• Hello World

    You may have noticed that I have been quiet on the blogging and Youtube front for a couple of months now, this is because I have been wrapped up in planning our wedding and adjusting to life as a Mrs. Unfortunately, work also took over and writing a post slipped down on my list of priorities.

    Blogging has always been an enjoyable part of my life and something which has bought many opportunities my way and thus introduced me to some incredibly talented people. But when I began to struggle to put words down due to sheer exhaustion, I knew that I had to put La Blonde Voyage on the back burner, at least until things felt a little more balanced.

    After, returning from a relaxing week in Mallorca and having time to explore what is most important to me, I feel ready to return to the Blogosphere and start sharing some regular updates with you, inbetween food shops and weekly chores. You see being a blogger isn’t all blogging events, freebies and luxurious holidays like our social media channels might have you believe. With that in mind I would like to leave you all with this one quote that has helped me through some difficult times.

    Don’t compare your life to others. There’s no comparision between the sun and the moon, they both shine when it’s their turn. 

    Love Emma



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